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21 Mar

We guess it happened to us, too.

Biting off more than we can chew.

Not significantly more; just so that we will be needing a bit of time off to readjust our views.

Rest assured, we will be back in no time with fresh minds and shiny word-babies.

So while we take a short hiatus, stay inspired and keep smiling!

“Typophile Film Festival” – Opening Titles

28 Feb

Wake up, enjoy the slightly out of  focus image, take a deep breath  and dip your fingers into the toothpaste (careful with your eyes though). Now sit down and eat your inspiration veggies.

Pretty pixels

21 Feb

Does any of you remember PacMan? How about Tetris, or Space Invaders? No matter if you’re a boy, a girl, a man or woman, you played one of these games at least once in your life. Back then, every pixel meant something and technology served inspiration, not the other way around. Putting things out of context is one of our naturally occuring creative resources and this guy brilliantly taps into it. So let the kid out and enjoy!


14 Feb

Winter reigns in old Europe and we are covered in snow. Wherever you look we’ve got either a code orange or a code red for blizzards, heavy snowfall and all-time low temperatures.

What with all the storms and blackouts we’ve decided to take a week off and dream the cold away under heavy blankets.

See you next Monday when we resume our regular activity!

Spicing things up!

8 Jan
Stripy party hats 1 by Mr Printables
Stripy party hats 1, a photo by Mr Printables on Flickr.

Hey there!

We’ve got some awesome news!

Starting with January 9, each day will have its own theme. Get ready to see more of and from The Nameless, as the writers will share a bit more of what tickles their fancy.

As you will surely notice this coming week, beside the now usual Monday Sessions we have four new categories, each bringing its share of pzazz:


  • Pop-up Tuesdays will showcase what caught our eye so bad we just had to share it with you
  • On Visual Wednesdays you will see the world through our eyes. Sometimes you will even see us
  • 100-word Thursdays are reserved for bits and pieces of thoughts, all in precisely one hundred words
  • And last but not least, the Feature Fridays will bring reviews of awesome things we read/watch/listen/take part in, as well as translations of various sorts.


So board this adventure that keeps getting bigger and better, and share with us thoughts and finds of your own!